All prices quoted are in US dollar.
Only pay for shipping for the longest item ordered
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Walking Sticks
All Walking Sticks come with a fitted brass ferule. This is a durable piece of brass that protects the bottom of the stick and is perfectly fine for ordinary light use.
However if a walking stick is going to be used all the time we recommend a non slip rubber tip. For those using their stick as a walking aid, for medical purposes a rubber non-slip tip is essential, particularly on smooth indoor surfaces.
These tips ensure you will have a firm grip on the ground which is important if you are putting a lot of your weight on the stick. The tips we supply are highly durable and have a steel insert for wear. They fit over the already installed brass ferule and can easily be removed if required.
These are available at $5 extra at time of stick purchase.
To order replacements, we need the inside diameter of the opening to supply the correct size. 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8" or 1".